KRYPTOX is the first ever company that revolutionize the web 3.0. and how we share and store data online.
Now, KRYPTOX main file hosting service is intended to be private cloud storage. On the other hand, its recent KRYPTOX network service development was as a public web hosting platform. Just like your YouTube but a decentralized. We will talk in detail about KRYPTOX a little ahead.
Inherently Secure Data Platform
Remember, we talked about user files being segmented and spread across multiple hosts. This design feature happens to resolve the hacking issue too.
Firstly, the file segments are encrypted, so if anyone tries to access it, the decryption is going to be an uphill task.
Secondly, the hacker would be able to lay hands only on a part of the entire file or dataset that will be of no use. From a hacker’s point of view, why take so much pain for a useless fragment of data.
Speed Optimization
While the AWS S3 advertisement promises 2 Gbps (gigabit per second) upload speed. Not that Amazon is making false claims, this issue crops up because of the way the centralized storages operate. In fact, the geographical location of the user and the data server matters a lot.
However, in the case of KRYPTOX, the data is spread across geographically spread out locations making content delivery much faster than traditional networks. And speed is the main advantage of its new KRYPTOX Network. According to CEO Leon Tiger, from time to time the first byte for a KRYPTOX download is typically under half a second. And the throughput is approximately 1 Gbps.
Save the Dollars
One thing that the centralized storage system is unable to achieve is to cut down the costs of their services. As we mentioned earlier, a KRYPTOX user pays $1 for 1 TB/ per month storage, whereas, for the same storage, a user of AWS S3 has to fork out $23. And there is a reason for it.
KRYPTOX is basically charging the user for the raw storage. But for the same storage, AWS has costs associated like the high-grade maintenance of the set-up, lawyers, and marketers, and of course, users end up paying for the brand value too.
In a decentralized set-up like KRYPTOX, storage providers take care of their infrastructure by themselves. Thus the infrastructure adds no overhead to the storage price the user pays for.
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